Infants Program

Creating a safe environment for your infant helps provide them with a sense of security.

We at ABC Kids Oasis strongly believe that we have an important role in the children’s development by the way we engage, speak, and respond to them.

Through primary routines for nutrition, diapering, and sleep, children ages 6-month to 18-months of age will form a nurturing and respectful bond. This empowers the child’s growth, learning and development.

Infants cannot verbalize their feelings, as a caregiver we have to be attuned to their nonverbal cues to know if they feel safe and calm. A safe space encompasses physical safety as well as emotional comfort. Things like consistent routines, soothing techniques and responsive care help create a sense of security.

Baby boy eating with BLW method, baby led weaning

Safe Place

Crib Safety

A firm mattress with tight fitting sheet is provided for the infants. No pillows, blankets or stuffed animals inside.


The home is baby proofed with safety gates, covered outlets, and furniture anchored to the wall so they cannot tip over.

Diaper changing station

Safe Space

Hazard-free space, no small objects or toys that could pose a choking risk.

Here are some key developmental milestones for infants between 6-24 months

Keep in mind every baby develops at their own pace

  • Rolls over
  • Sits independently
  • Babble sounds
  • Crawls
  • Pull up to stand
  • Shows stranger anxiety
  • Says “mama/dada”
  • Cruises by walking holding onto furniture
  • Drinks from a cup
  • Waves goodbye
  • Explores objects
  • Says 1-3 words
  • Walks independently
  • Scribbles
  • Points to pictures when named
  • Builds tower of 2-4 blocks
  • Response to simple verbal request
  • Runs
  • Kicks a ball
  • Vocabulary of 20-50  words
  • Walks backward and sideways
  • Begins pretend play
  • Sorts objects by shape and color
  • Points to pictures in book when named
  • Jumps in place
  • Stacks 4-6 blocks
  • Names familiar objects in pictures
  • Vocabulary of 50+ words
  • Forms 2-3 word sentences
  • Follow 2-step instructions like “get the book and put it on the table”
  • Increase independence
  • Interest in toilet training
Kid walks across the field among the green bushes. Back view